Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Teacher in the Spotlight - Kerrie-Anne Riles
We have one last teacher to meet and it is Kerrie-Anne Riles.
Kerrie-Anne is a wonderfully accomplished teacher who has travelled extensively, honing her skills as a quilter and fibre artist by studying with masters all over the world.
At Festival Kerrie-Anne is offering two classes and both sound like heaps of fun! The first is Shiva Stick Inspirations, this is a technique based workshop to learn how to enhance textile art with shiva sticks.
The second, Honey I Shrunk the fabric, is a fun class to practice your quilting but with a twist - you will be quilting on special shrinking fabric. The added bonus is that in this 4 hour, hands-on class you will be working with HQ Sweet Sixteen Machines!
For more information about Kerrie you can visit her website and you can click here to find futher details about the classes and class requirements.
Remember you can still sign up for classes at the festival! See you there!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Lucky raffle winner for Ricky Tims seminar !
Helen Boyle from Gateway Quilters at Elizabeth was the lucky winner of a ticket to the Ricky Tims Seminar. We hope you have a great day Helen and thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket in support of Alzheimer’s SA.
Motorised Transport
There will be two motorised…….let’s call them “hotrods” for those that get tired walking around quilt shows and shops and need a little assistance. If you would like to hire one to cruise around the show please contact us and we will add you to the booking sheet. There will be a $5.00 hire charge with a maximum limit of 2 hours. If you don’t pre-book, then the “hotrods” will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Some more vendors to entice you!
Dale and Ian from The thread Studio will be bringing their wonderful machine and hand embroidery threads – their colourful range of hand –dyed fibres and fabrics and their exciting Moonglow Sprays as well as lots of textile art supplies – in fact as much as they can squeeze on their palettes.
Brenda will be with us this year with a double booth to show off her huge range of wide backing fabrics & pre-cuts.
Widebacks specialise in high-quality wide-width fabrics measuring 2.75m-3m (108-118in). With more than 300 fabrics currently in stock – and more on the way – it has one of the largest selections anywhere in the world. So come along & chat with Brenda & her team of helpers at Festival next weekend.
Tulis Textiles are thrilled to be coming to Adelaide to see all their SA customers & many more. Kerry travels from New Zealand with her amazing specialised fabrics to tempt us all.
These exciting and affordable fabrics are available direct to New Zealand customers at competitive prices. All our fabrics are chosen by an experienced quilter, with an eye for quality, versatility and vibrancy! From exotic hand painted Pradas, and exquisitely woven Ikats to give your quilts that unique accent, to the affordable modern Batik prints for vibrant contrasts, our fabrics are the finest quality 100% cotton, rayon and silk in a range of colours and patterns.
Come & see the amazing Intelliquilter system in action on the A1 Horizon 31” longarm quilting machine. We have the wonderful Crystal Smythe here in Australia sharing her extensive knowledge on getting the most out of your Intelliquilter & she will be on the booth answering your questions when not teaching. Along with Crystal will be Barna Kasa (Zoltan’s son) who will be keen to show you what the IQ can do for you! Introducing the new budget BasIQ system along with the traditional ClassIQ system this year, you will be tempted to need one of these for sure.
A1 Quilting machine dealers, Michele Turner from Sydney and Megan Best from the USA will be on the booth to demonstrate & answer questions on both the A1 Elite 923 and the A1 Horizon 1031 machines that will available to test drive. They will also be introducing the brand new Joey – baby Elite sit down 23” machine that sits in the most beautiful table that will open up to 40” x 77” for when you need the support for those larger quilts. Be the first to test drive this upgradeable machine at AMQ Festival 2012.
Show specials valid for one week only over Festival dates will be available on all A1 quilting machines.
Early May Designs/Floriani Australia
Here you will find all the FLORIANI Stabilizers, FLORIANI Threads, FLORIANI Software, FLORIANI Specialty Products, PLUS RNK/Jenny Haskins Magic Range of Stabilizers & Quilting Products, Quilting Software and Jenny Haskins' Threads; EME Machine Embroidery Design Collections, and a whole lot more. Come along & see all the products available at Booth#36.
We are pleased to have Lorraine & the girls from Hetties’ Patch once again at Festival. They supported us at our first event in 2010 & are back again with all their beautiful fabric & goodies this year. Hettie's Patch opened in August 2005. They have 3000 plus bolts of fabric. Hetties also stocks embroidery supplies and giftware.
Right next door to Hettie’s patch in the vendor mall will be
Always Quilting/ Aurifil Thread
Jenny will have all her colourful thread that is divine to use in all machines & for hand work on display.
Need that new sewing machine, or the right quilting tool. Then you will find all you need at John Watts Sewing & Quilting Booth#11.
Only 3 days to go until everything starts! Sharon & I have been working very hard & I leave home tomorrow to travel down to Adelaide to start setting everything up. We would like to express our appreciation to our wonderful Volunteer Co-ordinator, Val Towill, who has had the mammoth task of sorting & allocating all the wonderful volunteers that really make an event like this run smoothly.
See you all VERY soon!
Tracey & Sharon
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Teacher in the Spotlight
Sharon is an award winning quilter from New South Wales and at Festival she will be holding a class for Intelliquilter users. In her class she will teach you how to perfect the No Sew Zone fetaure to use it for blocks, appliques and even cross-hatching. Acheive perfect results under Sharon's tutelage - no more stitches falling short of their mark!
We only have one more teacher to introduce, Kerrie-Anne Riles, so stay tuned!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Teacher in the Spotlight - Helen Townend
Online class registrations closed today, but remember you can still register for classes in person at the Festival.
Tonight's Teacher in the Spotlight is Helen Townend.
Helen is from New Zealand and has been sewing since she was a child. Helen does amazing trapunto work and she is joining us at Festival to share her talents in this area.
Helen's class Trapunto for Everyone is mainly in a lecture format with a small hands on component. You can join Helen to learn the gorgeous art of trapunto. The class will cover design, which background styles to use to enhance your work and how to trim around the trapunto. You can read more about the class here. But for now we'll let the photos of Helen's work do the talking....
It's very tempting isn't it?
Monday, September 17, 2012
Teacher in the Spotlight - Myrna Ficken
Myrna is coming to us from the States and while at Festival will be teaching a whopping 9 classes! I promise we'll be letting her out for meals! Myrna is a very experienced teacher with an infectious enthusiasm for machine quilting and you will be sure to be very inspired by her classes. We will only be featuring four of her classes here so be sure to check out the rest on the website.
The first class I want to talk about is Creating Spaces. As the name suggests Myrna will be teaching you how to create new spaces within the quilt and fill them with quilting to add new dimensions to the quilt. This design class is for intermediate and advanced quilters.
Personally, I love background fills and in the Fill 'Er Up class you will learn many background designs and how to tweak them to give them your own flair.
Lastly, in Samplers, Samplers, Samplers Myrna will teach you how to analyse different blocks and use them as a foundation for creating quilting designs to enhance sampler quilts or quilts made of traditonal blocks. Myrna encourages you to bring your own samplers to class to get specific ideas.
You may like to check out Myrna's website for more information and to see her range of DVDs and rulers. If you are tempted by Myrna's classes, don't delay booking in - you have only got until Wednesday to do so!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Registrations Closing
Class registrations were to close on September 14th but we’ve decided to extend it until Wednesday 19th September, after this date there will be no online registrations accepted. If you still wish to attend you will need to complete a manual registration by coming to the Reception Area at the Adelaide Convention Centre once AMQF2012 has commenced.
Collection of Registration/Festival Packages
The Registration Desk will be open from 2pm on Friday 28th September for those that would like to collect their packages and will remain open during Festival. No packages will be handed to students/attendees before this time. Each package will include a list of classes that the attendee has registered and a Neck Wallet and Name Badge which are to be worn during classes. This will be your admission pass into the Quilt Show/Vendor Mall and Demonstration Areas.
Gala Dinner Tickets
These tickets will be included in the Registration/Festival packages for all those that are attending classes. All others will be posted this week. There are still tickets available for the dinner, which promises to be a great night! These can be booked online up until Wednesday 26th September. If you haven’t notified us of any dietary requirements you can do this by emailing Sharon.
Ricky Tims Tickets
There are a limited number of tickets left now for the Ricky Tims Seminar so if you’ve been sitting on the fence it’s time to get off now and book. Shontelle and I have been doing what we’ve affectionately named the Ricky Roadshow and we will be doing the last ones this week. We have been raffling a ticket to Ricky’s Seminar, with proceeds going to Alzheimer’s, at these presentations and this will be drawn next weekend.
See you all soon!
Sharon & Tracey
Teacher in the Spotlight - Rick Haggerty
Rick is a dealer for Gammill and Statler at Elizabeth Machines Co in Melbourne and he will be joining us for festival and working in the Gammill booth - so be sure to drop by and say hello and try a machine for yourself.
For those who already own a Gammill, Rick is teaching a comprehensive maintenance class to show you all the tricks to keeping your machine running beautifully.
Registrations close in a couple of days so be sure to have one last look over the catalogue and book into your classes before it's too late!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Teacher in the Spotlight - Helen Godden
Today's teacher in the spotlight is Helen Godden.
Helen is an incredibly artistic quilter who has won many international awards for her work. Luckily for us she is also an accessible, down-to-earth teacher! She has a knack for unlocking the secrets of machine quilting for her students, so you'll be sure to have a lightbulb moment in her class where you finally "get it".
At Festival Helen is teaching two very popular classes, the first of which is Liberation From the Ditch. In this 2hr, hands-on class you will be using Handiquilter Sweet 16 machines (that in itself is something to get excited about!) and you will learn Helen's three key secrets to successful free-motion nachine quilting. No more just stiching in the ditch and struggling with the quilt during the process!
Helen's second class is the very cool Free-Motion Funky Flowers class which will see you incorporating raw edge applique with bobbin work, again using the wonderful HQ Sweet 16 machines. The class fee includes the kit for this project and just look at what you'll get to make!
Talk to you soon!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Some more vendors to visit with!
If you make your living quilting or enjoy quilting your own work, we have something for you. We are launching a new range of tools for Long Arm, Mid Arm and Sewing Machine Quilters, even Hand Quilters. Leonie will be demonstrating the new products on our stand and would be pleased to talk patchwork and quilting with you.
We now manufacture more than 200 products with the Westalee Brand and over 100 for Quilter’s Rule from the USA (under license)
If you are after custom templates for yourself or your Shop, talk to Bill. If you can draw it, we can make it.
Nolting Longarm Quilting Machines - Nolting's Longarm standard equipment will be the best investment for your workroom. You will be impressed with its light weight yet durable construction.
Sit down, Relax, Enjoy... with the traditional quilting hoops by Hinterberg.
Flip la K- Slash - Flip - Press & SEW. Flip la K is a series of templates designed specifically to slash – flip and appliqué fabric. It is a fantastic technique enabling you to utilize your stash and give it a bit of WOW factor. Ever had trouble picking colours that go with each other? Flip la K allows you to audition your fabric – this helps make that choice so much easier.
Glide. The World's Most Advanced Top Thread. Fil-Tec Glide™ with Advanced Trilobal Technology will maintain consistent tension throughout each and every spool. The results are high quality, consistent stitch formation, fewer thread breaks, and fewer machine stops.
The Original Quilting Camera System- A Quilter's Eye shows you a close up and magnified view of your stitching as you are quilting! Now you can see any irregular stitches, loops, tucks or fold on your back, even locate a label or "no quilting" area. Glancing at your Quilter's Eye monitor will give you peace of mind while you are working because right in front of you is a view of the back!
Groz-Beckert Industrial and Domestic sewing machine needles.
The Wonder in Appliqué - Applique Magic Plus, repositionable fusible webbing. And our own stabilizer range.
Another initiative by AMQ Festival is to have an Alzheimer’s Donation Lucky Draw which is being run at Festival itself. We have had many generous sponsors and this has enabled us to showcase their generosity by inviting everyone to donate at least a gold coin donation to receive an entry form into a lucky draw. All donations will be forwarded to Alzheimer’s Australia along with proceeds of the sale of all the challenge quilts being auctioned.
1st Prize: Donated by Horn Australia
Craft Plus Table valued at $699-
2nd Prize: donated by Mulberry Millie
Mulberry Millie™ Upright Quilt Basting Frame valued at $285-

3rd Prize: donated by SSS Pty Ltd
valued at $199-

We are still looking for some volunteers to be teacher angels, so if you have some spare time could you please email our volunteer coordinator & let them know exactly what times you are available for this? More information on volunteering is available on our website.
Only 15 days to go so I do hope everyone has thought about what they are packing & leaving enough room to take home all your new goodies!
Until next time…
Tracey & Sharon
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Lucky Door Prizes & Vendors at AMQ Festival
The 1600P-QC RRP$1999-
Fast speeds and smart design make the 1600P-QC the perfect machine for sewing and quilting! You'll find everything you need to complete projects quickly and easily: Speeds of 1,600 stitches per minute make this the fastest machine on the market; nearly 9" x 6" to the right of the needle gives an extra wide
FTC-P : Floriani Total Control Professional
RRP$3999-gives you all the functions of Embroidery Suite PLUS amazing Professional features included only in commercial grade software.
Floriani Total Control Professional gives your customers professional
production abilities ALL in ONE
• Running Stitch for Redwork
• Over 140 Fonts
• Run Stitch Font
• Tackle Twill Program
• Inside-out Feature for Caps
• New Pattern Fill Shapes
• Save Design as JPG Feature
• Create custom emboss and fill patterns
• Auto baste feature
• Alignment icons for easy placement
• Optimizes entry and exit points automatically
Specialty Features
- Create Custom Thread Charts
- Save a Design as JPG
- Colour Blending Feature
- Create Custom Emboss Fill Patterns
- Create Custom Motif Patterns
- Create Custom Standard Fill Patterns
- Save2Sew - automatically adjusts design density, underlay, and compensation based on fabric type selected
- Open, Create, Save designs in quilt formats (QCC, CQP, HQF, SSD, and TXT)
Here are some more vendors that are doing just that!
Brindabella Quilting Systems

Yasmita will be with us to show us her Yazzii Craft Storage Bags, Silk Fabrics/Organza Fabrics/Raw Silk Fabrics, and a selection of Braids and Trims. She will also have a lovely selection of hand made Embellishments. Just what we all need to embellish our quilts!
We will be back again soon with more vendor highlights!
Until next time…
Tracey & Sharon
Friday, September 7, 2012
Teacher in the Spotlight - Crystal Smythe
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Treats Galore to see & buy at AMQ Festival
Wonderfil Specialty Threads, Canada
Barrie will be with us once again but this time with a double booth of sheer visual delight.
They will be bringing their new pre wound bobbins with Deco-Bob to the show. "While we have had the J ones for the last few shows we now have the M ones as well so can offer them to all domestic machines. We will also be bringing our Master Quilter products which are 40 weight 3ply polyester suitable for long arm and domestic machines. We have not had this product in Australia before so this will be an exciting promotion. We will have our complete range of Wonderfil Threads on display & for sale!"
Constantine Quilts
Constantine Quilts has one of the largest inventory of books, DVD’s & notions specifically for machine quilting. Come along to see all that is available to assist you in being the best you can be with your machine quilting, Gadgets to make quilting easier for both machines on frames AND domestic machines on a table.
Don’t forget to use your discount voucher that you will find the in Show Program. Registered students will receive a Show Program in their bags & general public can purchase one as they enter the show!
Katie’s Patchwork Packs
I am a relatively new business, just celebrated my first year in business, and have so far survived it.(And enjoyed it)
I offer pre-cut fabrics, such as fat quarters, jelly rolls, layer cakes and charm packs.
I have kits for a variety of patterns, but tend to concentrate on children quilts. Being a "new" grandmother I get attracted to these fabrics when I am ordering any new products.
I carry a small range of Japanese fabrics, and batiks and hope to eventually build up these ranges.
For festival I will have fat quarters $2.50 each and $5.00 each, as well as packs of 6 fat quarters for $13.00 and $25.00.
I am not a traditional quilter, so I have quite a wide variety of fabrics to choose from.
Punch with Judy
Judy sells soooo many things in her booth at all the shows across Australia & New Zealand, so I’m sure you will find something here!
She will definitely have supplies of Ricky Tims’ books & DVD’s on her booth that you can purchase Friday night or Saturday & you still may be able to get Ricky to sign them! Ricky will be around most of the day on Saturday in the vendor mall talking to people & visiting the show before his amazing concert at our Bernina Australia Gala Evening on Saturday night.
18” Longarm Quilting
Cam Cooper will be joining us this year at Festival with his 18” Long Arm quilting machines.
He has asked me to let you know that he would love for you all to visit them at Booth #2 to see the newest 18 in. Long Arm Quilting Machine. All sales at the AQM show will receive additional (Very Useful) goodies valued $800.
21 days to go!
Tickets are still available for the Bernina Australia Gala Evening! Come along for the opportunity to bid on the TOP 10 Alzheimer’s benefit quilts. Online bidding is open now…You may even win that gorgeous Bernina 215 sewing machine that I really would like to bring home with me!
Until next time
Tracey & Sharon