The top four finalists have been contacted last night to advise them of this and have been invited to our award presentation at the Cocktail Party from 4.30-6.30pm on Thursday 25th in Hall G of the Adelaide Convention Centre to receive their prizes from Minda Representatives and Horn Australia.
All our wonderful entries in the Minda Benefit Quilt Challenge, were judged on 25th July at Minda Inc, Brighton. We would like to extend our appreciation to Daryl Guidotto, Horn Australia for assisting in organising the venue. With the cooperation of staff at Minda and the following judges, a difficult day of judging was completed.
Judges (L to R)
Elisa Thompson, Quality & Client Safety Officer, Minda Inc
Maria Darby, Senior Manager Quality, Client Safety & Governance, Minda Inc
Tony de Vries, Senior Manager Commercial Enterprises, Minda Inc
Tracey Browning, Director - AMQ Festival (non judge)
Rachelle Denneny, International Award Winning machine quilter.
The top 4 finalists (in no particular order!)
Lisa Barclay has been our coordinator for this challenge, keeping busy cutting and sending out over 70 kits across Australia. She has had the lovely job of receiving all the quilts and admiring them very much. The stories that go along with these are just delightful and impressed the judges immensely.
Thanks must again go to our sponsors:
Lloyd Curzon Textiles, who donated all the fabric to challenge you to make your quilts.
Horn Australia, who has provided the prizes for the top three quilts
AMQ Festival, who has provided complimentary tickets to the Cocktail Party and a goodie bag for the Judges Commendation quilt.
23 days to go! The countdown is on.....
Don't forget to check your schedule - just in case you want to fit another class in. Book soon to allow teachers to prepare notes for you to take home.
Have you got your Cocktail Party Ticket yet?? We will need to get numbers to the caterers before we commence, so let us know if you are coming.
One lucky attendee will be the proud new owner of this Tula Pink Bernina 350 Sewing machine donated by Otto & Penny's Sewing Centre in Walkerville. You have to be there to be in the draw!
Book your ticket now!
Until next time.....