Part of the fun of coming to AMQ Festival is meeting other quilters, sharing ideas, techniques, tips & tricks! We would love to also add another option to assist you to come & meet new quilters!
If you have already booked your accommodation & have a spare bed OR you want to come, but would like to share a room to save some $$ and meet new quilters then CONTACT us to advise us whether you already have a spare bed OR you are looking for a bed. Our accommodation coordinator will collate all the information received and work with you to match you up.
I’d like to introduce you to the amazingly sweet,
Anita Ellis
of Hillside Quilting in Victoria.
Anita’s life hasn’t been the same since she had her first patchwork quilt professionally quilted eight years ago. “I remember the excitement as if it was yesterday, I just loved the quilting patterns” says Anita. She soon had her own A1 quilting machine and Hillside Quilting was born. She still loves quilting designs in such a way that the secondary patterns appear like magic.
She is known for her custom quilting and organic fluid style. Also known for working closely with her clients, be they fabric and pattern designers or beginner patchworkers, to ensure harmony and balance between the piecing and the quilting.
Teaching became a natural progression as she realised the pleasure it gave her to pass on her skills to fellow quilters. Delivering a suite of classes at the last two Australian Machine Quilting Festivals gave Anita the opportunity to give confidence, along with many quilting and design skills, to a whole new group of professional long arm quilters.
Teaching on domestic machines, both free motion and with rulers, has opened up many more opportunities to ensure that quilting is well and truly alive, now and into the future.
Anita believes her contribution to our industry of patchwork and quilting is to mentor beginner quilters and encourage more established quilters to stay fresh and push their limits.
The next step in this journey is a whole new set of classes designed for AMQF 2016.
See all of Anita’s classes here There is something for everyone!
AMQ Festival is thrilled to have Anita with us again to share her knowledge & skills specifically with beginner quilters. She has proven herself invaluable in this area with tremendous feedback from past students highlighting the value they received by being in her classes.
Intelliquilter has been a supporter of AMQ Festival since we started in 2010. This year they have chosen our Main Stage sponsorship, which allows us to provide a stage with large monitors to present awards, Trunk Show presentation & demonstrations from our vendors & teachers to the general public during vendor mall hours.
IntelliQuilter computerised system Highlights:
- computer mounted on the machine, at your fingertips
- touch screen control
- driver motors engage/disengage automatically
- easy to use, menu driven system
- help on every screen
- integrated graphic editing, including copy, repeat, combine, rotate, echo, path pattern, scale, distort, magnet tool, line pattern, fan pattern, computer generated pattern library & more.
- automatic pattern fitting in blocks, including sizing rotation and flipping
- automatic pantograph editing, including offset, interlocking, flipping, tweaking and clipping at borders
- recording function to capture hand-quilted patterns
- paper pattern digitizing
- "stitch in the ditch" support
- whole quilt composition and saving
- pattern download via USB drive
- compatible with all models and makes
Our vendor mall is nearly at capacity! Only five more booths
available to purchase. If you are interested in attending as a vendor to provide
your products to our keen students & the general public of South Australia,
then apply now for the chance to be involved.
All vendors will also receive the opportunity to provide a
paragraph in this newsletter to our dedicated subscriber list, promoting their
attendance, closer to Festival commencing.
We have more classes filled to capacity since our last newsletter
as well. You can always find this information on our website.
Congratulations to the following teachers:
Simple Steps to Stunning Quilting with Kathleen Riggins
Sunday 28th Aug 8-12noon
Waterlily Ballet with Helen Rhodes
Friday 26th Aug 5-9pm
Quilting for the Crazy with Kathleen Riggins
Saturday 27th Aug 2-4pm
An Introduction to Quilting Mandalas with Janet Collins
Thursday 25th Aug 12.30-4.30pm
Wholecloth Design Class with Claudia Pfeil
I do hope you are all enjoying your long weekend & planning
your schedule for August….
Lest we forget!