- A half price registration fee of $30.00 is being offered when a Registration Fee or Festival package has been purchased by another family member.
- This 'family bonus' registration will allow you to purchase one class only and receive a single entry ticket into the Vendor Mall, Quilt Show, Demo Area and Special Exhibition ***Registration bag and contents not included***
- Offer available to one per family
Information Pack
Over the last month or so we have sent out over 700 Class Catalogues including flyers to State Guilds, Quilting Groups, Shops, Sponsors and Vendors. If you are a member of a group and would like to receive this information please email Sharon and we'll get the information out to you. Alternatively you can download a complete copy of the Class Catalogue here.
Teacher Profiles
This week we are sharing further information on Michelle Bouchier and Cristyn Merry. AMQF2014 will be the first time these girls have taught for us and we hope you enjoy learning a little more about each of them.

Michelle is located in Greenwith, South Australia and was introduced to needle and thread at the age of three and has been stitching ever since. She started with blanket stitch and has had a continued love of embroidery and hand-work ever since. Serious quilting began in 1998, when she spent a year in Auckland New Zealand as a result of her husband's employment; she was hooked! Michelle's interests in quilting are many and varied. As the mood takes her, she enjoys piecing and appliqué (both hand and machine, blanket-stitch, needle-turn and free-motion). She is currently trying to find enough time to indulge in landscape and pictorial quilts; she has a background in Art and finds this invaluable for her quilt designs and use of colour. Michelle began as a hand quilter but laments how long it takes to complete quilting a quilt in this hot state of ours, and so she ventured into machine quilting. In 2001, a long arm quilting machine was purchased Bloomin' Quilts was born. Michelle loves the diversity of machine quilting and is passionate about educating other quilters and the public about its merits, both edge-to-edge and custom quilting. Her teaching career began informally with the quilting groups she was involved with, and with the encouragement of friends she has ventured into professional teaching. Michelle teaches beginner’s classes as well as original appliqué designs using the vliesofix method or needle-turn. She has also taught dimensional flowers, machine trapunto and machine quilting. Michelle and her family have travelled around Australia and are now enjoying revisiting places, particularly photographing landscapes with the variation in light that different regions possess. Hopefully, this translates into future quilt projects and we have the pleasure of seeing them! Michelle's class can be viewed here.

Do you own an Intelliquilter or are thinking of getting one? Then don't miss out on the chance to do classes with Cristyn Merry - if there is anything that the IQ can do I'm sure Cristyn knows about it. I'm hoping to sneak into her classes.....don't tell Tracey! Cristyn is originally from Alaska, and currently lives in Colorado. She spent 10 years in
Houston, Texas, working in the Space Shuttle Program and learning how to quilt and has been making quilts since 1998 and bought her longarm machine in 2003. In
2007 Cristyn had an IntelliQuilter installed on her longarm and in 2008 became an IQ
dealer/installer/instructor. She has been teaching IQ classes at large machine
quilting shows in the United States for five years and her favourite style of
quilting is currently what is labeled as "modern quilting". Cristyn finds
that her style evolves as she learns and because of this she never knows what the future in her quilting may look like. Her
inspiration comes from many places, but mostly from blank spaces on quilts.
It's those negative spaces that prompt her to think up something new and that's
when the magic happens. Cristyn does quilt for customers, but sparingly as her main focus is on installing IQs and
teaching new owners how to get the maximum out of their investment. Cristyn gets great pleasure out of the light bulb moments...
didn't know it could do that"!
In addition to teaching at AMQF Cristyn is very much
looking forward to learning about the Australian quilting culture and how
things are done differently here to the US. She hopes to see as
much of Australia as she can - any and all of it including seeing our amazing
wildlife. Cristyn will be accompanied here by her cousin and if you have
any suggestions for "must sees" please post them on our Facebook page.
That's it for this week - have a fabulous weekend and if you're thinking of booking classes there's never a better time to do it than now:-)
Sharon and Tracey.
That's it for this week - have a fabulous weekend and if you're thinking of booking classes there's never a better time to do it than now:-)
Sharon and Tracey.