The time has come to encourage everyone to enter this amazing challenge that means so much to so many of us. We are very privileged to have Lloyd Curzon Textiles involved again and they have very kindly come on board as sole Sponsors!
We're hoping to have many more participate in the 2014 Challenge so that we can top the amount raised last year. We were so proud to present a cheque to Alzheimer's Australia for $5400.00 which was the total raised at our inaugural Quilt Challenge. A huge thank you to all those that entered and donated their quilts and also to all those wonderful individuals and companies that joined in with the spirit of the auction and obtained a wonderful piece of art for their collections.
Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects so many of us in many ways. Too many people have had direct or indirect contact with Alzheimer sufferers and we would very much like to assist with the research to help with caring for and treating those affected by this insidious disease.
AMQ Festival is proud to, yet again, join with Lloyd Curzon Textiles to present to you a challenge to assist us in raising much needed funds for more research for Alzheimer's Australia. All proceeds will be donated.

Quilt Challenge Theme "A Moment in time...”
Create a quilt that demonstrates a special moment in time. It could be the moment that changed your life, when you met your soul mate, the moment a tear drop falls, a child is born, a loved one departs, your first day at school, your first day at work, your last day at work! The moment a flower blooms, a seed germinates, a cat yawns, a dog is alerted to visitors, a rainbow appears, the lightning strikes, the rain hits the ground.......the ideas are limitless!Each entry is to be accompanied by a story of the moment in time, no longer than 250 words.
All quilts will be donated and auctioned with full proceeds being donated to Alzheimer’s Australia. The top thirty finalists will be selected for display at AMQ Festival 2014 and the top 10 auctioned at the Banquet dinner at Festival. The remaining quilts will be auctioned online 14 days prior and concluded by silent auction at Festival.
A printable copy of the rules and application form can be found here.
This competition is now open for you to purchase the challenge kit to start creating!
Prizes to be won!
1st Prize:
$300 cash plus a bursary to attend AMQF 2014. Includes: Festival Package, Ticket to Banquet dinner & up to 8 hrs of classes +Fabric pack Value $1100-
2nd Prize:
$200 cash plus a bursary to attend AMQF 2014. Includes: Registration bag, Ticket to Banquet dinner & up to 8 hrs of classes +Fabric pack. Value $800-
3rd Prize:
$100 cash plus AMQF 2014 registration bag & up to 4hrs of classes +Fabric pack. Value $500-
- All quilters are invited to submit an entry into the Alzheimer’s Benefit Quilt Challenge run by Lloyd Curzon Textiles and AMQ Festival for 2014.
- Application forms are available on our website to enable you to purchase your fabric kit to start your challenge. Entry forms will be included with your kit to submit with your completed quilt.
- There is one category only. Entries can be based either on a traditional or a contemporary design that reflects and interprets the theme ‘Moment in time’ and must use at least a recognisable portion of each of the challenge fabrics provided by Lloyd Curzon Textiles (Impressions fabric range by Clothworks exclusive to Lloyd Curzon Textiles) A list of stockists is available on to purchase extra if needed).
- All entries must be original. An entrant may apply any techniques including piecing, appliqué, embroidery, painting, inking, colouring, embellishing and/or manipulated fabric, etc.
- Each work must measure a maximum of 100cm on each side with no minimum size.
- The quilt must be machine quilted. This includes long-arm, short-arm or domestic machines. The quilt may be quilted with thread(s) of choice.
- A label with ‘AMQF 2014 Alzheimer’s Benefit Quilt’ and the entrant’s name & address must be attached to the back of the quilt.
- Announcement of the winners will be announced on the AMQ Festival Blog & Facebook on Aug 31st 2014
- Anyone can enter! An entrant’s quilt may be the work of more than one person as long as all parties who contribute to the quilt are nominated on the entry form as being the entrant. There is no limit of entries per person or group.
- Other fabrics may be added to the quilt.
- The fabric challenge kit consists of 6 fat 16’ths of fabric and costs $10 including postage.
- Entrants have the opportunity to purchase their quilt at auction.
- A ribbon will be awarded to each winning quilt and a certificate to each participant.
- The prizes awarded are based on the interpretation of theme, excellence in design and craftsmanship. The deadline to send in completed quilts with entry forms is June 30th 2014.
We look forward to another group of beautiful, thought provoking and innovative quilts for this challenge.
Until next time….
Tracey & Sharon