Westalee Design: Stand 18

If you make your living quilting or enjoy quilting your own work, we have something for you. We are launching a new range of tools for Long Arm, Mid Arm and Sewing Machine Quilters, even Hand Quilters. Leonie will be demonstrating the new products on our stand and would be pleased to talk patchwork and quilting with you.
We now manufacture more than 200 products with the Westalee Brand and over 100 for Quilter’s Rule from the USA
(under license)
If you are after custom templates for yourself or your Shop, talk to Bill. If you can draw it, we can make it.
Nolting Longarm Quilting Machines - Nolting's Longarm standard equipment will be the best investment for your workroom. You will be impressed with its light weight yet durable construction.
Sit down, Relax, Enjoy... with the traditional quilting hoops by Hinterberg.
Flip la K- Slash - Flip - Press & SEW. Flip la K is a series of templates designed specifically to slash – flip and appliqué fabric. It is a fantastic technique enabling you to utilize your stash and give it a bit of WOW factor. Ever had trouble picking colours that go with each other? Flip la K allows you to audition your fabric – this helps make that choice so much easier.
Glide. The World's Most Advanced Top Thread.
Fil-Tec Glide™ with Advanced Trilobal Technology will maintain consistent tension throughout each and every spool. The results are high quality, consistent stitch formation, fewer thread breaks, and fewer machine stops.
The Original Quilting Camera System-
A Quilter's Eye shows you a close up and magnified view of your stitching as you are quilting! Now you can see any irregular stitches, loops, tucks or fold on your back, even locate a label or "no quilting" area. Glancing at your Quilter's Eye monitor will give you peace of mind while you are working because right in front of you is a view of the back!
Groz-Beckert Industrial and Domestic sewing machine needles.
The Wonder in Appliqué -
Applique Magic Plus, repositionable fusible webbing. And our own stabilizer range.
Kim & Dave hope to have a range of sizes of Innova machines, an Autopilot computer control system and the new Pantovision that was first released at AQC this year. Kim will have some colouring product, patterns and quilting goodies for everyone to drool over as well.

Lorien Quilting Patterns
Hermione will be with us on Kim Bradley Creations booth to show us all her amazing quilting designs available for shortarm & longarm machines.
We are really getting spoilt with the variety of products that we will have to choose from at Festival 2012!
Please remember to bid for your favourite
Alzheimer’s benefit quilt online or look for the quilts on display at Festival where you will find bid sheets to put in your bid. If you want one of the top 10 quilts then you might want to consider registering for our
Bernina Australia Gala Evening on Saturday 29th Sept to bid at the LIVE auction for these special quilts.
Another initiative by AMQ Festival is to have an
Alzheimer’s Donation Lucky Draw which is being run at Festival itself. We have had many generous sponsors and this has enabled us to showcase their generosity by inviting everyone to donate at least a gold coin donation to receive an entry form into a lucky draw. All donations will be forwarded to Alzheimer’s Australia along with proceeds of the sale of all the challenge quilts being auctioned.
1st Prize: Donated by
Horn Australia
Craft Plus Table valued at $699-
2nd Prize: donated by
Mulberry Millie
Mulberry Millie™ Upright Quilt Basting Frame valued at $285-

3rd Prize: donated by
SSS Pty Ltd
valued at $199-
We are still looking for some volunteers to be teacher angels, so if you have some spare time could you please email our
volunteer coordinator & let them know exactly what times you are available for this? More information on volunteering is available on our
Only 15 days to go so I do hope everyone has thought about what they are packing & leaving enough room to take home all your new goodies!
Until next time…
Tracey & Sharon