We have been working hard to obtain some better priced accommodation near the Adelaide Convention Centre. Inspecting all the rooms at various places was even fun!
We have negotiated an AMQF special rate at the Oaks Embassy & Oaks Horizon hotels that are situated 1 minute (just across the road) from the Adelaide Convention Centre. We would recommend that you book soon to hold a room as they are not ‘holding’ rooms for us but will provide a conference rate instead whilst rooms are available.
Of course there are LOTS of places where you can stay in Adelaide & still find easy transport by bus or train right into North Terrace where the Convention Centre is located, but for those that want to be within a minutes walk away from classes & vendors this is ideal.
Please visit the website for more information and you need to download their booking form & fax or email it back to them to obtain your room.
Next is our exciting news about a CHALLENGE!
Introducing the AMQF Alzheimer’s Benefit Quilt Challenge
AMQ Festival is proud to join with Lloyd Curzon Textiles and Dayview Textiles to present to you a challenge to assist us in raising much needed funds for more research for Alzheimer's Australia. All proceeds will be donated.

Quilt Challenge Theme “Memory”
Let your imagination run wild and think of a special memory that you have and then transfer that vision into fabric. A memory that is special to you, a childhood memory of a ride on a carousel, a place that you’ve visited, a person that holds special memories, a favourite quilt block the list is endless and remember how blessed we are to have our memories and be able to participate in this initiative.
Each entry is to be accompanied by a story of the memory no longer than 250 words.
All quilts are to be donated and auctioned with full proceeds going to Alzheimer’s Australia. The top thirty finalists will be selected for display at AMQ Festival 2012 with the top 10 being auctioned at the Banquet dinner at Festival. The remaining 20 quilts will be up for silent auction at Festival; all others will be auctioned online within 30 days.
A printable copy of the rules & application form can be found here.
There is also an online application form that you can complete to order your challenge kit as well.
There would be many of us that have experienced the pain & sadness of a loved one that is afflicted with this terrible disease. We feel it is a valuable challenge to remind us all to be thankful for our memories & to raise much needed funds for Alzheimer's Australia to continue their amazing work for those afflicted with this disease. We hope that you will take up this challenge & to also encourage others to take this up to see how much we can raise!
YES there will be prizes donated by AMQ Festival for the top three winners! You have to be in it to win them and everyone gets a ribbon for participating and assisting to raise funds.
First Prize:
Bursary to attend AMQF 2012. Includes: Attendee Package, Registration to Ricky Tims full day Seminar, Ticket to Banquet dinner & up to 8 hrs of classes + Fabric pack Value $750-
Second Prize:
Bursary to attend AMQF 2012. Includes: Attendee package, Ticket to Banquet dinner & up to 8 hrs of classes + Fabric pack. Value $600
Third Prize:
AMQF 2012 registration bag & up to 4hrs of classes + Fabric pack. Value $250-
Until next time…
Tracey & Sharon